Dice games

Dive into the fascinating world of dice games from Zoch! Skill, strategy, excitement, and luck await you! Find out all about games with dice by reading on here.


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Heckmeck Extrawurm

Family games

Heckmeck Extrawurm



Chance it!

Family games

Chance it!



The stars look great. But the dice can be strange thing ... Five dice show what the odds are. Those who take moderate risks can win cleverly lots of stars and coins and even improve their chances with precious special cards. However if you gamble too carelessly, you lose ’vital‘ hearts and your last chance to win the game. CHANCE IT – Reach for the stars - but never lose your “final“ heart!   Author: Eli Thomas Wolf

Geistesblitz Würfelblitz

Family games

Geistesblitz Würfelblitz



In the centre of the table are the five typical Geistesblitz items: book, bottle, armchair, mouse and genie. Five cubes correspond to their colours. Their results indicate which object should be snapped. After each roll, the players first check to see if there is an object that the dice show most often. The colour of this object then determines which dice show the object to be snatched. If other dice combinations appear, the object must be snatched, which is rarely seen. If all dice show something different, the cube on which Geist Balduin is hiding reveals which object is currently being sought. Würfelblitz is a flash of inspiration for dice-loving lightning ghosts. 2-8 players, 8 years up.   Author: Jacques Zeimet

Rauf und runter

Dice games

Rauf und runter



In this action-packed game, Clucky and his feathery friends are on an exciting mission – to climb up the chicken ladder! Who will manage to reach the top and be crowned as the winner? At the beginning of each round, the “flutter number” determines how much momentum is needed to move up the ladder. By rolling a combination of 5 dice, the players take turns to move their chickens up the ladder. The dice must be used skilfully – if you’re not careful, you might end up moving down the ladder instead of up! If you lose control by moving too quickly, you can shed some feathers in order to avoid falling back down the ladder and bring you closer to the top.  With tactical thinking and a healthy dose of luck, you can outmanoeuvre the other players and finish the game at the top of the pecking order! “Rauf und Runter” is an action-packed dice game for 2-5 players aged 8 and above. Designed by Andreas Kuhnekath-Häbler with cute illustrations from Doris Matthäus, it is a fast-paced and entertaining game for the whole family.   Author: Andreas Kuhnekath-Häbler

Heckmeck Junior

Children’s games

Heckmeck Junior


soon available again

5 of 5 Items

On your dice, get set, go!

Alongside card and board games, dice games are among the classics of the gaming world. They are suitable for everyday use, available in many variations and promise pure excitement. That's why games with dice can't be missing at Zoch.

What are dice games?

Dice games essentially consist of achieving a certain result with one or more dice. The biggest plus point: the dice fall randomly, so there is no age-related advantage in the game. Everyone has the same chances, regardless of whether the player is a child, a teenager, or an adult.

What types of dice games are there?

The field of dice games is vast and offers numerous game variants. We would like to briefly describe the most common ones below:

Target group: for two, for children, for groups, for puzzling

There are dice games for children as well as those aimed more at adult players. In addition, the games differ according to the number of players, from solo games to games for two to group games for three or more players.

Dice games with cup

In dice games with a cup, the dice are thrown face down under a cup. Often this also serves to be able to hide the number of dice from the other players at first.

Dice games with board

Some games come with a playing field, on which the game pieces can then be moved according to the number of dice. This type of game may require a little more set-up time and space.

Skill-based dice games

Some dice games require skill and logical thinking from the players. Here, there are often different move options, whereby it is important to make the right decision depending on the game situation.

Quick dice games

Are you on your toes? Dice games that focus on speed can only be won with a good reaction speed.

Lucky dice games

Ultimately, you always need a good portion of luck in a dice game to be able to emerge as the winner of the game. However, how much depends on luck and to what extent the course of the game can be influenced by strategy and skill depends on the individual game content.

What benefits do dice games have?

Are you wondering how your child can benefit from playing a dice game? Then have a look at the many added values that the games offer:

Cognitive development

Especially games with dice that are not entirely based on the principle of luck, stimulate logical thinking. Your child has to concentrate and stay attentive. In doing so, they train their concentration skills and improve their attention span.

Counting & numbers

While dice games for very young children often do without numbers and instead work with colours and shapes, the classic game of this kind comes with numbers of eyes. Counting and arithmetic are therefore automatically promoted in the game.

Enhancing combination & dexterity

Depending on the game content, dexterity is also required. In addition, your child must have a quick perception and be able to combine quickly to influence the course of the game in his or her favour.

Social interaction

Dice games for adults and children are usually played with several players. Therefore, they involve a lot of social interaction and encourage your child in interpersonal communication.


Of course, there are also rules when playing with dice. In this way, your child can learn to understand and follow certain rules in a playful way.

Winning & losing

Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose – that's how it is with dice games. For your child, this means that they have the opportunity to deal with the disappointment of losing and the joy of winning in a child-friendly way.

Technology timeout

With their exciting content, dice games invite children to take a fun time-out from their preoccupation with digital media. This creates a healthy balance.


Dice games can be transported in a space-saving way and can therefore easily accompany you on trips and holidays. They are absolutely suitable for everyday use and can be used in a particularly flexible way.

From what age are dice games suitable?

There are games with dice for almost every age. Simple dice games for children of kindergarten age usually have only a few, easy-to-understand rules, do not take long and mostly do not involve numbers. Nevertheless, you should not let your child play with dice alone, as they can potentially be swallowed depending on their size.

For pre-school children, dice games are excellent for practising numbers and solving first easy arithmetic problems. Games for children over five may have a somewhat more extensive set of rules, but should be limited to a maximum of 30 minutes. Otherwise, they exceed what children of this age can achieve in terms of concentration and attention span.

From primary school age onwards, children can typically concentrate for much longer and also understand more complex rules and game principles. The dice games for children can then be correspondingly more demanding – but their content must of course still be suitable for children.

What should you look for when buying dice games?

To choose the right dice game for you and your family, you should keep these aspects in mind:

Players, duration, and set-up

Before buying, think about how many players you want to play with, how much time you can invest in setting up the game and how long a game can last. With this information, you can already narrow down the selection of possible products.


In terms of a learning effect while playing, games with dice should include as much educational content as possible. In this way, learning and playing go hand in hand.


Find out about accessories for the game of your choice. Also find out whether these “extras” are included or offered separately.

Age recommendation

Take the manufacturer's age recommendations into account and assess for yourself whether a product is suitable for your child's stage of development. If you are looking for a dice game specifically for toddlers, you should seek a product with dice without numbers, while games for children from preschool age onwards can contain numbers from 1 to 6.

Games with dice: fun entertainment on the move too

Want some entertainment on the go? No problem! Thanks to their small size, dice games are the perfect travel companions. They fit easily into any bag, do not require any complicated set-up, and can be played anywhere there is a flat surface to roll the dice. So they also provide first-class entertainment “on tour” – unpack, explain, start throwing!

Discover the Zoch dice games

Are you looking for an original, high-quality dice game for children and adults? Then you've come to the right place! Zoch offers you a large selection of well-thought-out, environmentally friendly produced and lovingly designed dice games for the whole family. Get a first impression of our wide range of products:

Heckmeck am Bratwurmeck

A barbecue full of delicious sausage words surrounded by hungry chickens is the focus of Heckmeck am Bratwurmeck (literal translation: Disorder at the fried worm corner). The iconic dice game for children combines dice with eye numbers and symbols and is known for unforeseen twists. Who will roll the most of the coveted fried worm portions and plunder the supplies of their fellow players?


The Geistesblitz game (literal translation: brainwave), which is also available in card and board game versions, is aimed at kids aged eight and up and is based on dice with different colours and symbols in the "Geistesblitz Würfelblitz" variant. The aim here is to combine quickly and grab the right object before an opponent does.

Conclusion: simply find joy in numbers and arithmetic with dice games

A few dice, an original game idea and motivated players: that's all it takes to have a good time together. Dice games teach basic knowledge about numbers, promote concentration, improve reaction speed and are wonderfully varied thanks to a wide range of variants. Browse through our dice game assortment and discover high-quality, environmentally friendly produced top products in a huge selection.

If you would like to get to know more games from Zoch, you should have a look at our homepage. From there, you can access numerous product categories and be inspired by games of skill, card games and family games, among others.